What you should bear in mind when it comes to resource and test equipment management for your test process
An effective resource and test equipment management is indispensable if you want to make your test process a success. Only if you carefully schedule your available resources and test equipment, you can achieve optimal utilization, save money and ensure the quality of your products and services.
Here you learn about the most important aspects of resource and test equipment management and we give you some helpful hints and tricks for you to successfully implement your own test process: from proper planning and organization all the way to selecting suitable software solutions.

How you make sure your resources and test equipment are optimally utilized
If you have a test process management system, it is essential that the resource management is an integral part of your system. If it is, you can reconcile your resource requirements with other tests and optimize your schedule early on in the test planning phase.

Systems with barcodes or QR codes provide a good facility to acquire and assign resources. In this case, an ID in the form of a barcode or QR code is assigned to every resource and person involved in the test. You can then use a mobile device – such as a mobile phone or tablet running a companion app – to scan the barcodes or QR codes during test preparation, test execution and disassembly. Using the companion app affords flexibility: should the app fail to hold planning information, you can still collect your resources and assign them later on when the app connects to your test process management system. The workflow is even more efficient if the app can access your test process management system directly or the current planning state of a test is automatically loaded to your mobile device. In this case, the resources scanned can be assigned immediately and automatically. Afterwards, during test execution, you can take pictures of damages with the camera of your mobile device to automatically document them in your test process management system.
Reliable quality assurance and documentation by undisrupted linking of all data
The undisrupted linking of all data makes sure that only suitable resources can be added. If the calibration of a scanned measurement device has expired or an employee fails to have the required qualification, selecting them as resource is not possible in the first place.
A state-of-the-art test process management system provides you with the comfort of documenting your test execution digitally, free of media breaks and with consistent proof - just at the click of a mouse. You achieve a significantly better quality and support quality assurance standards like ISO 17025.
This is how you manage your resources efficiently and reliably
Consistent management of your resources is one of the key factors of success for your test department. To help you understand how it works we have recorded a free web seminar for you. It shows you how our test management solution HyperTest Boost helps you support the management of your resources in its entirety while they are in the warehouse or being used, so you can plan more efficiently and increase the quality of your entire test process. You will also see how catalogs and templates improve the efficiency and quality of your tests even further and how managing bills of materials and set-up states affords more flexibility for their usage. Other important elements your resource and test equipment management should not lack are reservations and releases according to valid calibration information.
If you want to learn more about how you can master your resource and test equipment management with HyperTest Boost in order to lay a solid foundation for an efficient and high-quality test process early on in the planning phase, click here:
Webinar: Resources in HyperTest® Boost - of equipment, DUTs, test benches, assemblies and more (available in German only)