Data and Information Management System
for Earth Observation
DIMS-EO is a multi-mission processing, archiving and distributing platform for earth observation products. It has been developed in close and effective cooperation between the Earth Observation Center (an institute of the German Aerospace Center, DLR) and Werum.
DIMS-EO is designed as a modular, component-based system. One of the open architecture’s distinguishing features is its high configurability, which enables easy adaptation to product structures, good integrability with third-party elements and scalability to meet performance requirements of new applications.
The platform has been commercialized for many years with us being sole distributor. We are a competent partner in implementation projects with customers - from concept studies, configuration and integration through to long-term maintenance.
Configurability and Openess
DIMS-EO offers flexible configuration to meet the requirements of different missions, satellites and instruments. Moreover, the core components provide open interfaces which pave the way to building up customer-specific data management systems.
Multi-Mission Proven
The system modules have proven their worthiness in a number of space missions, satellites and instruments:
BIRD - Bispectral InfraRed Detection
CHAMP - CHAllenging Mini Satellite Payload
ENVISAT - ENVIronmental SATellite
GOME - Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment on ERS2
GOME2 - Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment
METEOSAT - METEOrological SATellite on METOP
MODIS - Moderate resolution imaging instrument on TERRA and AQUA
Sentinel-1 - SAR mission of the Copernicus Programme
Sentinel-3 - Environmental and climate monitoring mission of the Copernicus Programme
SRTM - Shuttle Radar Topography Mission
Swarm - Multi-satellit geomagnetic mission
TanDEM-X - Twin mission to TerraSAR-X
TerraSAR-X - Earth observation satellite with Synthetic Aperture Radar in X-band
EnMAP - Environmental Mapping and Analysis Program, hyperspectral satellite for earth observation
DIMS-EO components are in use for the ESA’s multi-mission facilities infrastructure, Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-3 payload data ground segments, and further archiving and data access solutions.
Solution Packages
Depending on the individual needs, we can supply either an all-component DIMS-EO or the following solution packages:
- Product Library: Product Library for archiving your data
- Production Center: Product Library + Process Management + Production Control for specific processing and archiving of your data
- Data Center: EOWEB + Product Library + Ordering Control + Online/Offline Product Generation and Delivery for earth observation data portals
Digital Factory
DIMS-EO’s capability to integrate any processors and support any workflows is an excellent basis to perform systematic processing and archiving of any kind of data.
DIMS-EO Features at a Glance
- Multi-mission capability
- Production control and product generation
- Cataloging and long-term archiving
- Online access to data catalog via internet
- Order handling and delivery