Start of Construction Works for New Location

On 11 August 2021, Werum Software & Systems AG commenced the construction works at their future location in a newly developed neighborhood of Lüneburg! The new office building with a usable floor space of more than 4600 square meters offers room for 160 workplaces, team working areas and conference rooms. The extensive server facilities and technical installations lodge comfortably in the basement. The decision to move the entire company was taken in 2020 with acquiring the land in order to enable the continuous growth to continue.
Many employees of Werum attended the symbolic groundbreaking ceremony, which took place in loveliest summer weather.
Christian Sommer, Chairman of the Executive Board of Werum Software & Systems AG, explains, "In a process of several phases, our manifold requirements on technical equipment and workplace layout were transferred into an excellent architecture and state-of-the-art implementation concept. Many of our employees' ideas and wishes were incorporated in an intensive and concerted cooperation with the architects and planners."
After just over a year of thorough planning, the implementation is starting now. The company Meyer Planung GmbH as general contractor undertook the planning. The order for the turn-key construction was placed with the building company Meyer Hochbau GmbH & Co. KG.
Sönke Pickenpack, Managing Director of Meyer Hochbau GmbH & Co. KG, emphasizes, "A close cooperative partnership with the future users in the building phase is integral part of our partnering concept. We are looking forward to cooperating with Werum in this exciting project. Following to our "Build Together" principle, everything here - due to the collaboration of Meyer Planung and Meyer Hochbau - is from only one source."

F.l.t.r.: Sönke Pickenpack – Managing Director of Meyer Hochbau GmbH & Co. KG, Uelzen; Christian Sommer, Chairman of the Executive Board of Werum Software & Systems AG; Sven Wesa – Managing Director of Werum Hanse GmbH; Thomas Menge – Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Werum Software & Systems AG; Daniel Kinz - GKKS Architects, Hamburg