
Data Management System by Werum in the North Polar Sea

Successful acceptance of Data Management System on Polar helicopter in Emden

Lueneburg, 22 November 2018 – Acceptance of the Data Management System (DMS) by Werum Software & Systems (Werum) for a Polar helicopter was successfully performed at Heli Service International in Emden, Germany, from 05 to 07 November. The helicopter is part of one of the expeditions of the Alfred Wegener institute (AWI).

The biggest Arctic research expedition ever is going to start in September 2019 under the direction of the AWI: for the MOSAiC expedition, the research vessel Polarstern will let herself freeze up in the Arctic ice to drift through the North Polar Sea for the period of one year. An overall of 600 people from 17 different nations will take part in the expedition and collect valuable measurement data. Scientists around the world will use the data as basis to raise climate and ecosystem research to a new level.

The AWI leverages software by Werum in acquiring, storing and archiving the matchless data along with the associated meta data in order to ultimately share them with the scientific community.

Werum's systems DSHIP and DMS are specifically designed for the handling of earth science data and are already employed on various research vessels and aircrafts. The AWI operates DSHIP among others on their research vessels Polarstern, Heincke and Mya. Two DMS systems are in use on the Polar aircrafts Polar 5 and Polar 6, another DMS is now installed on the Polar helicopter.

The systems' distinguishing feature is their high flexibility in configuration. The AWI can autonomously configure the most diverse measurement system setups and integrate them without any programming effort. Werum's systems support analog and digital data streams as well as telegram-based or binary-based data streams. Moreover, external data and documents can additionally be stored with a measurement.

The entire data can be accessed via web browser and select sets can be downloaded. The DMS also provides an integrated users and rights management to grant access to the data stocks only to a certain group of people or make them available to the public on the AWI's website.

Werum has been cooperating with the AWI successfully for many years and supports the AWI as well as their associated institutions and scientists in this challenging expedition.

For more information on the AWI and the MOSAiC expedition, we recommend visiting the following websites:


Polar helicopter

The Polar helicopter by the company Heli Service International will among others be equipped with the following measurement systems:

  • GPS
  • Laser distance meter (LD90)
  • Radiation thermometer (KT19)
  • Pyranometer to measure the solar radiation
  • Pyrgeometer to measure thermal radiation
  • Various camera systems
AWI Logo

The AWI is a Helmholtz centre for polar and marine research doing active research in the areas of earth, life and climate sciences. Their focus is on cold regions like the Arctic and Antarctic zones as well as temperate regions like the North Sea and Germany's coastal areas.

Next to large number of laboratories and observatories, the AWI also has two research aircrafts, six research stations and five research vessels.

All these facilities use diverse sensors and devices and produce a multitude of measurement data around the globe.

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