for ideas

For more than 50 years Werum has been implementing complex software and systems for an international range of customers

Founded by software pioneer Wulf Werum over 50 years ago, Werum today is one of the longest established, independent software companies in Germany. Werum implements sophisticated software and systems for you in the focal areas of test data and information management, earth observation, eGovernment and enterprise information management. The software solutions are based on platforms that Werum has developed specifically for these purposes.

Werum develops, implements, optimizes and supports these software and systems worldwide for renowned companies from the automotive industry, the aerospace industry as well as scientific institutes and public clients. They all appreciate Werum's reliable and forward-looking solutions, which solve even highly complex technical challenges for the long term and facilitate efficient, resource-saving IT processes. With Werum you'll profit from well-founded application expertise as well as know-how and experience gained in decades of realizing the most diverse projects and IT solutions. Already in the preliminary stages of project execution Werum will stand by your side with competent advice on any IT aspects relating to your specific performance requirements.

After successful completion of your project, Werum will of course support you with long-term maintenance and servicing for the solutions supplied - so your IT will be perfectly prepared for the future.

At a glance: Werum's offerings

As an enterprise owned by present and former employees we think far beyond quarterly reports in the terms a sustained development of our company in the long run for the good of our customers and our employees.

Christian Sommer Chairman of Werum's Executive Board

Werum Software & Systems AG relies on employee participation, organic growth and long-term customer relations

Diversity, reliability and fairness are the essential elements of Werum's corporate philosophy. They create the basis for continuous and organic growth and for collaborative and sustainable customer relations. Werum's performance doesn't end with the realization of a project but also includes the support of your IT processes and long-term maintenance, servicing and advancements. That's the reason why many regular customers have been maintaining business relations with Werum for decades. They involve Werum in their IT strategies and see Werum as reliable partner.

With more than 140 employees, Werum is the biggest employer of IT experts in the north of Germany. These committed and motivated employees, who identify with their tasks and the company, are Werum's greatest asset – they are worth retaining them for the long term. To live the values of diversity, reliability and fairness in everyday life also caters for a stable and trustful cooperation among the employees. Werum encourages them to act on their own responsibility and gives them space for their own ideas. After all, it's not least the customers with their multifaceted project requirements who benefit from it.

Beyond this, Werum has been offering its employees the option to participate in the enterprise for many years. Even today, the company is predominantly owned by present and former employees.

Werum's Management

Christian Sommer - Werum Software & Systems

Christian Sommer

Executive Board (Chairman)

Hendrik Bohlen - Werum Software & Systems

Hendrik Bohlen

Executive Board

Carsten Stein - Werum Software & Systems

Carsten Stein

Executive Board

Ralf Günther - Werum Software & Systems

Ralf Günther

Head of Operations

Dietmar Müller - Werum Software & Systems

Dietmar Müller

Head of Marketing & Sales

Sven Wesa - Werum Software & Systems AG

Sven Wesa

Head of Administration

Facts and figures of Werum Software & Systems AG

Company: Werum Software & Systems AG
Legal form: Stock company (private, not listed on the stock exchange)
Executive Board, Supervisory Board, Management and employees own more than 80% of the shares.
Share capital: 1.1 million Euros
Executive Board: Christian Sommer (chairman)
Hendrik Bohlen
Carsten Stein
Supervisory Board: Thomas Menge, Adendorf/Lüneburg (chairman)
Prof. Dr Thomas Frischgesell, Lüneburg
Lars Windauer, Berlin
Registered office: Lueneburg, Germany
Quality management: Certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001 (since 1995)
Information security: Assessed according to TISAX® - Trusted Information Security Assessment Exchange (since 2021)
Employees: > 140 (as of 1 April 2024)